Friday, June 5, 2009

Name: Meagan Walerko

Rank: 2Lt

Graduated: 2008
In school, it was very important for me to balance my academics and ROTC commitments with other activities and social events I enjoyed. While at Saint Mary’s College I became very active in different clubs that were of interest to me, such as Africa Faith and Justice Network and Friends with Sisters and even spent time volunteering as a teacher in Ghana, Africa. After graduation I commissioned into the Army as a 2LT in the Adjutant General Branch. I started my active duty service in October when I went to Fort Sill, OK for BOLCII. From there I went onto Fort Jackson, SC for my Adjutant General training. After completing Airborne school in Fort Benning, GA I will report to my unit in South Korea where I am projected to serve my first few months as a Postal Platoon Leader.

Profile: Hayden Piscal

Name: Hayden Piscal

Rank: 2Lt

Graduated: 2008

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in ROTC at Notre Dame. I found that by getting involved and making friends within the battalion, it made the entire experience much more enjoyable. My most rewarding experience by far was being in charge of the Ranger Challenge team my senior year. Outside of ROTC I was also a member of the Equestrian team and found that having other friends not in ROTC helped keep a good balance. It was always nice to get away and not talk Army every once in a while. After graduation I worked at LTC at Fort Knox, KY for most of the summer before heading down to Fort Benning, GA for BOLC II and then Fort Sam Houston, TX for Medical Services BOLC III. It has been a blast meeting all the other LTS in training. Just like with ROTC, they have made training so much more enjoyable. I am currently at Fort Rucker, AL where I will go through flight school to learn how to fly Blackhawk helicopters as a MEDEVAC pilot. I will be here for about two years before I head to my first duty station.

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Profile: Chris Govekar

Name:Chris Govekar

Rank: LTC

What year did you graduate? 1990

Current Status? Reserve

If you are still in, what is your current unit, duty station, and position? Chief, Logistics Operations, Joint Deployable Team, US Joint Forces Command, Norfolk, VA

Profile: Michael A. Casey

Name: Michael A. Casey

Rank: Colonel

What year did you graduate? 1980

Current Status? Active Duty

If you are still in, what is your current unit, duty station, and position? I am the Command Inspector General for the 88th Regional Readiness Command, Fort Snelling, MN

Profile: Chris Brusznicki

Name: Chris Brusznicki

Rank: Captain

What year did you graduate? 2002

Current Status?IRR

Deployment History: How many, where, with who, duty position(s), and mission? Fallujah, Iraq, 1-505 PIR, Platoon Leader

Profile: Ross Davidson

Name: Ross Davidson

Rank: MAJ

What year did you graduate? 1996

Current Status? Active Duty

If you are still in, what is your current unit, duty station, and position? USA MEDDAC
Fort Drum, NY Chief, Logistics Division

Deployment History: How many, where, with who, duty position(s), and mission? 3 deployments (from most recent) 2006 - Afghanistan: 10th Mountain Division; Chief, Medical Construction Operations; Responsible for the planning and execution of healthcare construction operations. Primary mission: construction project manager for 45-bed hospital. 2003 - Iraq: Coalition Provisional Authority (State Department); Ministry of Health, Health Facility Project Manager Advisor; Primary mission: advisor to Iraqi Ministry of Health to develop repair and replacement program for all of Iraq's health care facilities. 1998 - Bosnia: 1st Armor Division; Project Engineer; Primary mission: planning and programming construction requirements and base master plan development.

Profile: Amanda Dodd Miller

Name: Amanda Dodd Miller

Rank: Captain (now veteran)

What year did you graduate? 1999

Current Status: My IRR time has been completed. I am a veteran.

Deployment History: How many, where, with who, duty position(s), and mission? I graduated ND in May 99, went Active Duty in June 99. I went to Ft. Bliss, TX for Air Defense Artillery OBC. Then Ft. Benning, GA for Airborne School. Then Wurzburg, Germany for four years. It was a three-year-tour, but I loved Germany and extended to be there for four years. My twin sister, Lacy (also ND AROTC '99), and I were both stationed there. We lived together in a fairy tale looking town, Sommerhausen. We worked at Giebelstadt Army Airfield which is now closed. Unfortunately, it was at one point in history a base Hitler used. From Germany, I deployed to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Lacy deployed to Iraq. I got out from Germany Dec 2003. Lacy went to Ft. Campbell, KY for another year and got out there.

Deployment stories or any lessons learned/advice from your deployments to current ND Army ROTC cadets?